A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Thursday, December 02, 2004
// tired!

Wow. eversince the As ended, I've been going out non stop. Town, bugis, town, people's houses, town again. My goodness. I need a rest. Been shopping for gradnite stuff and all. Went out with Lyd and Ba today. It was fun! hehe. After that I had to meet my mum for some PSC tea session thing. I need to submit my scholarship application!! But I haven't written that darned essay! The question evokes a wth expression in you.

I have transferred the hari raya pics into a folder in my computer. I have not uploaded it yet, but will do it soon. I have a video of Irwan shaking his head as if he's high on drugs. He looks retarded. hehe.

Went home and caught Sly singing the last song. I'm sorry Sly fans. but


hehehe. I told you. Singaporeans aren't that deaf after all. Okaylah. I must go and sleep already. Going out tomorrow also. hehehe. and Friday's Gradnite!

-published at 1:32 AM.