A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Sunday, November 06, 2005
Raya madnessss!

STILL hyped up about the whole Raya atmosphere. Although a test is coming up on weds, which encompasses the whole freaking module. And it doesn't help that I'm completely lost. Matiiii la amyyyy.

Even so, I will NOT resort to cheating. ANY sort, actually. Haha, I thought cheating during exams, sneaky cheating, like you know, "times up!" and you sneak in a few more lines, or change your answers STOPPED at primary school. Or maybe secondary school. Its just childish to cheat like that in uni.

I wouldn't stoop so low, I swear.

Haha, shan't let this bother me anyways, my conscience is clear. Siapa tergigit cili, dia lah yang terasa pedasnya. So in the words of Hafiz As'ari, siaper yang terasa kat sana tu, tu kaunyer pasal lah.

You meet so many different kinds of people in uni. I swear. They range from the really nice, angelic ones to the horrid kinds. Burh.

To keep up the festivities, here are pics!

Day three is redredRED!

Dad's the photographer. heh.

attack of the camwhores. ey visiting gets reallly boring sometimes, you know.

Dah dah dah. I need to go memorise the periodic table. Dazril is mad.

-published at 2:14 PM.