A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Monday, May 08, 2006
Too much time on our hands.

Okay. My sister came home very early today because she had one MCQ paper this morning. By 10+am she was already prancing around the house. Okay, kidding about the prancing. She entered the bedroom and hijacked my laptop. She usually uses my home comp in the study, and I'll use my laptop. So i had to use the home PC. bargh.

Well, when she uses my laptop, i have to tolerate her nonsense.

My laptop has the damn mic, which the PC doesn't. So she uses it to her advantage, duh.

So two sisters, separated by a small walkway in opposite rooms, chatting on MSN. How fun, right.


Irwan, yes THIS irwan

JUST smsed me saying that he got into NUS Science! And he will be doing Chem also! Mwahahaha. He was so panicky and stuff and he's NOT even matriculating this year. He'll only matriculate next academic year (07/08). So I told him la, not to worry because with nice seniors (MWAHAHA) like me around, life is good. MWAHAHAHAAHHA. Yessssla.

-published at 6:42 PM.