Sunday, June 04, 2006
Instead of WorldCup fever, I think the WebCam fever has hit my adik and I. WOOHOO! Now everytime we start MSN, we will video conference with each other, AND keep it on. That means whatever she does in the study room I can see AND hear, and vice versa!It also means I'm listening to her voice ALL the time.
For more details, please click here. Because somehow she got frustrated with me. God help me. I am only human.
Oh and check it out! Today we were in same clothes somemore! (its my fave thing to wear at home) Don't laugh ah. You're just jealous you don't have that top right. hahah.
Also note that (at that moment) I'm talking to two other people, which accounts for 923874928374928364% of her frustrations. Because everytime she calls for me to give her attention, my attention will be somewhere else.
-published at 7:32 PM.