A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Argh. I'm so frustrated with myself! I tell myself i should study, but i end up waking up after noon and my itchy hands turned on the PC and off i went on a rampant surfing + chatting spree, with my maths left neglected in front of me. I've got at least 25 more questions to do before i wrap up my maths holiday assignment. But i still have at least 3 more maths tutorials. Ack!
As if that wasn't bad enough, hmm, my itchy hands started playing the guitar for at least an hour. And I joined my sister, playing the electone. argh! distractions, distractions. I've somehow reduced my friendster-ing frequency, but i can't stop blogging. See what I mean? I'm supposed to be studying, but i'm here blogging. Someone please SLAP some sense into me!

-published at 3:01 PM.