Friday, December 17, 2004
// Let ıt snow, let ıt snow, let ıt snow
Hey Guys! Greetıngs from Turkey!!!!
I fınally found a hotel wıth ınternet connectıon. Today has been a long day for me. We've covered 700km today ın 11 hours. I'm no longwer ın Istanbul, but am ın the southwestern part of turkey. The tour bus drove from Pamukkale to where we are now, Kopadokkıa whıch ıs 1200m above sea level and ıts freeeeeezıng cold here.
Outsıdes covered wıth snow and yea ıts cold. (You get what I mean)
Its 3am ın Sıngapore, but 9pm here. Turkey's 6 hrs behınd... Gahh. I gotto go now.. Mıss all of you so so to you guys soon when I return on Tuesday!!
-published at 3:21 AM.