A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Friday, March 04, 2005
Pre-results blogging

I'm a wreck now. Its the first time ever that I woke up to feel my heart pounding against my chest. Why oh whymust we be subjected to such emotional torture? I can't wait till 2.30, but then again, I'm dreading it. I bring myself back to 2002 when I were preparing to receive our O level results. I was relaxed. I even went for lunch with Janice, completely chilled.

Now. I'm all psyched up. My family couldn't stop rambling about the results yesterday, making me more paranoid than ever. (( i told my parents I left a question blank for my FM )) I announced that there was to be no more speaking of the results anymore that nighht. But it didn't help, cause somehow that topic would surface again.

Everyone on MSN has scary nicknames.

I'm trying to clear my head now. No more thoughts. Just take the results and accept what ever comes. I did my best, prayed hard.

Tawakal amylia, tawakal.


-published at 11:15 AM.