A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Monday, June 20, 2005
Solitary star

For the next few days, I will be sleeping on my bed alone. That's because my sister will only be back from her camp in Perak on Friday. Argh. Means I have to switch off the light myself, I can't talk to anyone before I sleep, in other words, I'll be darn freakin lonely and bored at home.

The house will be so quiet, argh and I'll feel like an only child. Seriously, I cannot imagine how my friends who don't have siblings survive. Because my sister is a noise machine by herself. And you can really hear the silence when she's away. Haha. Its good entertainment.

Well, how exciting can it be to be in Singapore teaching maths to secondary school kids, (i have one more student!) while my sister goes white water rafting in Perak?! Arrrr.

-published at 10:28 PM.