A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Wishes and Hopes.

I've been busy with the Open Mic Night.. Make that super busy. I spent this morning at the Science Library trying to study. I ended up using up all the 3 hours pouring over my Math Tutorial --Logic, something that I'm almost convinced I don't have.


The lecturer rocks. He really captures your attention, so MA1100 is a great module, but requires time for you to absorb. Logic Logic Logic.

I met Justin and Choon Han today!! AHHHHH. I MISS THE SA PEOPLE. I SWEAR. I MISS MY CLASSMATES I MISS EVERYONE. It fealt really great to catch up and whatnots.

Its so weird that we are all in the same school but don't get to see each other. Well, Aik Hoe and me are in the same Fac but I haven't seen him since school started. That explains.

I just hope S14 will meet up soon, because I'm getting withdrawal symptoms. I miss the aura of intelligence that emanates from Marcus the smarty panty genius boy. I miss my two Pikaball warriors. We used to play Pikaball every waking hour in class. How childish, but we actually had a mini tournament, where I was crowned Queen of Pikaball, so don't play play. Anyone wanna play Pikaball please tell me.

In the meanwhile, I have Open Mic to work on. I'm just happy that publicity emails are already out, and the team is working just fine. Plus I am comforted by the fact that should anything go wrong (choyyyy) we have the seniors to fall back upon. I am actually touched that they care so much about us. Bahhh. What's wrong with me?! Why am I getting so emo.

I was so touched by my group mates that I seriously felt like crying. Haha. They were all so helpful and co-operative. Ahhhh. I love them all lahhhh.

After the first week of proper timetable, school's looking up. Lab was great, tutorials are great. Got to know a few more people, got closer to some others. I'm really happy now. Only drag-- MA1102R Calculus module. Oh God, whoever in the right mind would take such a #$%#@^ module. Oh wait -- I guess that would be me. And Ain. And Gamar.

Lectures are so bad that Gamar has taken to ponning lectures proper. I still try to pay attention, I refuse to pon because I am known for my meticulous record of not ponning lectures in my 2 years of JC. I tainted the record by ponning one chem and German lect. Argh. Won't happen again. Promise.

Hello. I'm the nerd here. So its apt that I behave in a nerdy manner. I love being a nerd la, period. Nerds rock.

Ain has taken to sleeping in Calculus Lectures. Either that or she'll be planning what to wear everyday for the next ten years. Or she'll check out guys. And list them out -- top ten. I have the privilege of knowing the codenames. (sometimes even deciding them) But heck. This module really sucks.

Since the food at Science really sucks, I am constantly roaming NUS for good food. SA has the best Malay stall in the whole wide world, I swear. Saints would agree. Anyways, not important, I was checking out the Arts canteen because I had Deutsch tutorial at Arts. And I bumped into Amin.

I have been wondering if its him or not. Whether to wave and smile or not. Because if its not him, I'll shrivel up like a raisin, in shame. Haha. How dramatic. So this time, he smiled and wave first, so I guessed that kinda confirmed it was him. Haha. Oh, Amin is a distant relative of mine. His mum and me have the same grandmother. The same one that passed away last October. Sigh. Well at least I can stop feeling bad already, for not acknowledging him.

Okay, for jiwang's sake.

lydia halim irwan suff zat raph hody hunkkk edward justin marcus linda stace seek moots suran i really miss all of you to bits. I haven't forgotten any of you --how could I? Please meet up soon or a blackhole will form in my heart, sucking me deep into the abyss and I'll cease to exist, thus cannot go for Open Mic and I can't get my degree and it will all be like really sad. So, with the exception of miss australia chua nur lydia, please meet up with me soon.

Ahh. busy busy. I am not used to this vigour yet. Study and planning. InsyaAllah. I seek His help always, for it is only Him that can help me. I plan, He makes it happen.

InsyaAllah, Amin.

-published at 1:07 AM.