A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Double Whammy.

Yesterday I had TWO heartattacks.

First one happened when I typed in my blog URL, and it gave me the HTTP403 Forbidden Error. I panicked and I actually felt sad! This just goes to show how emotionally attached I am to this blog of mine. Oh sigh, sigh. I was pretty much moping around yesterday because I really thought my blog was dead.

Well heart attack number 2 was more interesting, because I seriously was going to hide my face and die.

Okay those who know me will know that I love to joke about kahwin-ing assorted guys, JUST to get on their nerves. It worked so well on Alfian and Dazril that they totally STOPPED listening to me. Imagine how much more irritated my beloved girlfriends would be! It first started with Shah. She's just too fun to annoy.

So I told her one day "Shah, can you back off? Dazril and I are already happily married. Our kids are always asking me, "Mummy, mummy does Daddy have a new girlfriend?" So please ah Shah, BACK OFF"

Well, I just meant to ANNOY her with it. But did she appreciate it? NOOOOO. She went on to tell Dazril! WOW! I SEE THE FRIENDSHIP! But nevermind!

My other bestfriend SAHIBAH FARHA was next on my list of people to annoy. So yesterday while I was online, Hirman msged me on MSN, and we were talking about the whole loose change videoclip. So when Baba came online a few hours later, I decided to annoy her with a whole new kahwin story!

So I happily told her a great story of how my chat with hirman just now became a marriage proposal and we are now happily married. I expected her to be annoyed and heartbroken and boohoohoo. BUT WOW! When I came online a few hours later, AFTER telling her my whole marriage story, HIRMAN suddenly messages me "Hello, my wife :)"

AAAHHHHHHHHH! Heart attack #2!!!


Sigh, this is why these babes are my bestest friends ever.


P/S: Thanks Dazril and Hirman for being such great sports. Haha!

-published at 5:02 PM.