Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Ain and I were wearing the same colour combi today! Woohoo! haha!So anyways, during Bio lect, I received a call from an unknown number.
Me: Uhh Hello?
Voice: AMY! This is Mus ahh.
Me: Oh MUS! Haha whatsup?
Mus: Eh, i'm at the Frontier now. Nazir needs to get to Office of Admissions and we've been circling this place ah.
Me: Alamak I'm in lect now sey. Ah okay tunggu skejap.
So I went to Science Canteen to meet them, sempat ambik gambar.
"quick ah nazir, its gonna be on her blog ah.."
Mus still looked the same, but i thought Nazir grew taller. Isn't 2/6 of the SJIMats ah.
-published at 5:37 PM.