Sunday, May 14, 2006
My Other best friend Lydia!
Ahh Miss Australia having exams la. So poor thing. She was SO distraught knowing that we start school only on the 15 ish August.Ahhh the wonders of technology!
Ahhh lydia, lydia, where do I begin. No doubt we're far away, but best friends we'll remain alright, you, baba (the slenger haha!) and I. How can I ever forget how we spent our breaks slacking in the Cafe! Shopping (best deals) and eating banyak gilerrrrr. AND NO you're NOT fat la. Still looking great ahh.
We all miss you ah. Cepat blajar kasi habis and come back homeeee :) And never in a million years we'll or I'll (for that matter) ever forget you okay.
-published at 12:15 AM.