A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
because we have tests.

German test is in a few hours time and Ahmad and I are keeping each other company.

That poor boy is stressed!!! hahaha I've never seen him this unstable!

Ahmad says:
dah ah.... pasrah seh
gonna listen to the pasrah song

amyy says:

Ahmad says:
is it right to say Mein Freund schicke mir einen Brief?
its diff from Meinem Freund schicke ich einen Brief right?

amyy says:

Ahmad says:
can al;so say ich schicke Meinem Freund einen Brief right?

amyy says:

Ahmad says:
sooo many fromatssss
the posessivebegleiter and personal pronomen irritatiing seh
i didnt touch vocab la
abih ader passiv lagii

CAN U FEEL THE STRESS?!?!?!! hahahhahah!

So as a great friend I sent him Jason Mraz' Life is Wonderful, that Fatma sent me earlier, to macam make him less panicky and enjoy life a bit more.

amyy says:
al lalalalala life is wonderfulll

Ahmad says:
he obviously does not have a german test tmr


-published at 1:03 AM.