A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Wednesday, November 26, 2003
i feel like a stuffed turkey

oh man. the colour combi just sucks. my whole blog looks like it belongs to a bimbo. so pink-ish ack. Aww man. I will see what i can do about it. maybe i will let it be the same ol' dull black-gray-white layout that it used to be. aww heck. why bother about the decor when all I want is a domain to rant? -mutters-

Had dry run for Grad nite today. yes. on the second day of raya. like wtF? Had to rush here and there so i could make it in time to get to my uncle's place. Dry run was cool. I didn't screw up [that much]! yay! [har-dee-har] Edward stumbled over his guitar part for jumper. Raphael got confused a lil during perfect, halim was ok, but went a bit off a few times, irwan's amps were not workin. Hirman was -sigh- perfect...as usual. HAHA! He's damn good on drums la. Dunno how many times i can live saying that line. heh. I messed up my keyboard solo of closing time aww man. we need all the practice we can get. Alright. That's a new one. We still need lots of practice so i think we're jamming @ Commonwealth tomorrow for threehours straight ok! I haven't the slightest idea how I'm going to survive three hours cooped up in that small room with hardly any breathing space AND having high-numbered decibels blasting my ears. oh poot.

I think i'm too sweet. Well, puke all you like cos the mosquitoes seem to love me. I'm suddenly getting wierd mosquito bites all around my legS, so much so that it looks frigging swollen. I've got so many!

'Nuff said. I feel like a stuffed turkey today. Went only to four houses, but ate a hell lot. Whooo. My stomach's screaming. Muslims fast for a whole month, and all that usually goes to waste during hari raya. Everyone seems to just binge, that's why most people lose 3 kilos during the fasting month and gain 8 kilos during hari raya. -mutters again- I've lost at least 7 kilos during ramadhan. Don't wanna put my efforts to waste. I should start fasting again! haha!

Alrights. I should be off now. Verrrry tired and sleepy. Shall be off to slumberland in no time. later.

-published at 10:55 PM.