A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Friday, March 11, 2005
You know something's not quite right when...

10) You have to wage war against lizards in your house every minute of the day, and every part of your house, even in the toilet.

9) You have a chat with your friend and he tells you he swears the overhead bridge at Far East was going to collapse when 3 women ran across it and he was fearing for his life because he felt like a richter scale.

8) That friend tells you that he was going to write a complaint to "Far East's Bridge committee" and place "No Running" signs on the bridge.

7) You laugh cruelly about it when you think of it, even til today.

6) Your friend tells you that if she was to marry a really old guy *just* for his money, she'll never let him lay a finger on her, even on the first night.

5) Your friend continues that if that happens, you'll probably see the headlines in the newspaper the following day, "drowned (in own sweat) due to overdress to avoid contact with husband"

4) You laugh hysterically until today when you picture the bedroom scene in your filthy little mind.

3) You wake up to a phone call from a relative telling you that she's in the toilet doing her number 2.

2) You go off to teach tuition and the student chases you around the house trying to touch you.

And the top reason is...

1) You use the word "ludicrous" in a sentence and your sister asks if that's the guy who sang "Yeah" with Usher.

-published at 11:22 AM.