A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Friday, December 30, 2005

Well I sincerely forgot where I got this link from, but I was doing my usual click around, and its HELL funny. Its 2.45am, the house is quiet and here I am chuckling/laughing at it. Its a blog entry titled "How Girls waste time / The stupid things that girls do"

Go have a read, if you're stuck at home with nothing to do, its a rather long entry though.

Click here!

These are my favourites!

10. "Cute" stuff (real or contrived) - including dolls, origami, soft toys and fads (Tare Panda - on drugs and squashed by a steamroller, Hello Kitty - no mouth, Powerpuff Girls - sickly 'sweet' voices reminiscent of the smell of decaying flesh, Qoo drink's mascot - one ear, Disgusting Chick [Groovy Chick] stationery etc...)

11. Colour coding / decorating things (esp those with obsessive compulsive disorder) - writing their names on their notes in fanciful fonts / Doodling / vandalising friends' notes with flowers etc / sparkles on handphone screens? / Squirting fabric paint on the insides of their belt/shoes/bag/lockers/files/whatever they get their hands and fabric paint on

11. b) Drawing cute pictures (flowers, cartoons, hearts, etc...) on each other's body parts (tighs, legs, hands, arms, palms, neck, face, etc...)

14. Little notes on sparkly perfumed light purple paper with fluorescent pink ink, decorated with various grotesque shapes and entities

15. Perfecting printed handwriting (usually small / invisible) / writing in 'cute' font (or 6 different colours and pen tip sizes)

17. Giggling or laughing at everything and nothing / squealing (sometimes like small girls) (even over vegetables?) / yelping / screaming / shrieking (eg playing ball games - when they catch/throw the ball, when the ball comes near/almost hits them, when insects come near) / jumping up and down

27. Holding hands while waving and skipping / bouncing / bounding around

27. a) Holding another girl's hand and swinging it up and down repeatedly, like a swing (bahahaa!)

61. Playing with each other's hair (One day in the RJ canteen, I saw some J2s girls: one's hair was being braided into 2 pigtails by 3 others and 4 spectators looked on), bouncing or tugging fringes and ponytails

62. In RGS, the girls watch sunrises through school windows (!!)

70. Faking cramps so they don't have to do PE (totally laaaa!)

94. Making either a) pastel coloured blogs with lots of pictures of cute stuffed toys and hearts, exclamation marks, animated gifs/marquees, horrific grammar and observations about boys who are "very cuuuutte... but mi scared to tok to him lor.. nvr see b4... teeheehee" or b) pastel or red-and-black blogs with strange titles on each entry "lace bleeding along my thighs" / "whimsical rhapsodies playing in my cranium" and general moody bitching that comes straight ouf ot a Tori Amos song.

This HAS to be my ultimate favourite because I swear, I've not seen a guy with any of the below-mentioned items. Plus I'm guilty of the highlighter pen thing. No wait, you should take a peek into my sister's 42 inch(okay la, I bluff, its the really huge long one) roxy pencil case. She has around 3 functioning blue pens, the rest are coloured Zig markers. She has so many of those that you really cant zip the gigantic pencil case. And yes, we do have millions of pencil cases.

55. Carrying around a surfeit of stationery - eg 30 of the funny highlighter pens with a marker on one side, and a pen on the other / owning about a million bags + pencil cases + wallets (purses) + handphone covers to match their mood/clothes/bedsheets/room color/menstrual flow and what not

-published at 2:45 AM.