A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Kero Test, for girls.

Haha I know I have been blogging alot, I don't know why! Just things that I feel like I HAVE to take down, cos it DID have an impact on me. haha, no matter how merepek.

So anyway, I was out with Baba, Ain and Shah just now, to do some, uhh, shopping. ( I didn't buy anything, THANK GOD) So we were sitting at Lido and talking. Suddenly our ever favourite topic of colin-and-kero came out.

Ain was telling us that Kero just updated the couple blog, about his past boyfriends and whatnots. (yes they're gays) So anyway, Kero mentioned that one of his ex-boyfriends was a Malay guy named Wawan.

So she came up with THE KERO TEST.

Its a very simple test, to eliminate your liebling as that Wawan dude. If you're afraid that your dear boyfriend MIGHT be that Wawan guy (or you just wanna test), just suddenly shout "Wawan!" when he has his back turned. If he answers your divine call, jengjengjeng....

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Okay sorry la, we're really bored. Today has been..confusing.

-published at 7:04 PM.