A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Monday, October 09, 2006
SAtay buka!

Yesterday I met up with the dearest people in my life evahhhhh to break fast together. We reached Sultan mosque JUST in time for mahgrib. After I prayed, I bumped into DIATCH in the dewan solat!!! Woohoo! Being the kecoh people that we were, we made a substantiable amount of noise and hugged. haha.

Aku rindu kau ah babe.

Anyway! We broke fast at Banquet Raffles Hospital! Then we left for Swensens for dessert, where Baba the sweetheart surprised her loverboy and me with a birthday cake! (Yesterday's Hirmy's birthday, what perfect timing!). I was so tersentuh! I mean, my birthday's not until a couple of days, so it was definately a surprise. Thanks guys.

And thanks boys for the pretty Havaianasssssssssssssss. I loves loves loves ittttt!

Anyway since Irwan couldn't join us due to don't know what reasons, we made room for him.

Photoshopped with love.

While waiting to "order" we played "Whats the word in malay?"

Me: Ahh. Whats rainbow in malay?

Zat & Suff: Ahhh dangs I know this one!

Zat: I know. Tujuh Warna!!!


Baba: Whats dislocate in Malay?

Suff: -without hesitation- Terletak di tempat yang haram.


My favourite boys!

Presenting the mat version of Colin and kero..

Coli and Keroh! MWAHAHAHA. (zat wants to be Coli)

And of course if we didn't forget Irwan..we couldn't possibly have forgotten Lydia!

We made a video for Lydia! Jangan nangis eh lydia.

Haha okay. Good week ahead people!

-published at 2:11 AM.