A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
High time.

This morning I woke up to an sms from Miss irma-with-almost-perfect-CAP-susanti.

Irma: Babe, can I have your mailing address?

Me: -sleepily types out address- Babe, kau kahwin eh?

Irma: Aku pelan2 kayuh ah babe. Its my BROTHER's wedding invitation, btw.

Yey! jemputan jemputan! -dances around-


Ah! I visited the SAJC website a few days ago, to you know, update myself on whats happening over there. Wow and I felt proud to know that SA won the Police Cup, defeating RJ 15-10! Woohoo! Baik Saints.

Sheesh I really miss staying back after school to watch the matches.

Will never forget the match that made my heart skip a beat. Seeing my favourite rugger down on the field. And then taken out of the match because the injury was serious. Ahh sigh.

Its a pity I never really got to witness the ruggers doing the hakka but I guess this will do.

"We are arming for the fight,
Pressing on with all our might,

Pluming wings for higher flight,
UP and ON!"

I had NO idea the school song could sound like a warcry. haha!

Something is really wrong with me! Those who know me will KNOW that I don't take naps! However, while I was folding the entire stack of laundry, I fell ASLEEP! for at least an hour! Aper ni!

See, why I don't take naps is because they will mess up my body clock! Then I won't be able to sleep at night, etc etc. Argh, this is bad.

And for some strange reason, the song that's on repeat mode in Windows Media Player is Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D! WOW! Since when do I listen to classical? Its been playing the whole day! Like when Oasis starts playing, I'll stop Oasis and replay Canon in D!

Anyway, I was sick of the whole picture-out-my-window thing so I made another one to usher in the world cup! haha I have another one which maybe I'll use to dress up my blog DURING the world cup. Okay la I'm mad. And I can't wait for the world cup to start anyway!

Ahh, today is SUCH a weird day. I have NO idea why. Even I feel weird.

Maybe I should go for a jog tomorrow.


Yeah right, who am I kidding! haha!

-published at 6:16 PM.