Friday, May 19, 2006
The movie I've been waiting for.
Well its true, I've been waiting for the DaVinci Code movie to be out ever since I finished the book. I watched it today, I JUST got back, actually.So anyway, the movie was disappointing! It really was! I expected more out of it, considering its directed by Ron Howard and all. The book had two cryptex-es, the movie only showed one. The whole discovery of the "O Draconian Devil! Oh Lame saint!" was not as great as how Dan Brown described it in the book, so was how they figured out Sauniere's account number and all.
My favourite part was the cryptex part! How could they omit the first cryptex! AND, I don't think the revelation of 'the Teacher" was as exciting as how Dan Brown did it in the book. It was more of.. "oh, so HE's behind it.." Wasn't that hebat lah.
AND! OMG the ending at the Rosslyn Chapel was arghhhhh frustrating! I mean, the docent was supposed to be cute and have something to do with the whole story anyway. And the scene at the Rosslyn Chapel was supposed to be heart wrenching and sad and touching...arghhh.
See ah, the nenek was supposed to be weeping in some room and Sophie was watching her through a glass door of some sort. BUT in the movie, it was more of some nenek appearing out of nowhere and suddenly "ehh! kau cucu aku eh!? aku nenek kau tau!" and that's about it.
And the worst part of all, Robert Langdon was supposed to ask Sophie out on a date! And intip and all ah, but mannn, Tom Hanks just kissed Audrey's forehead. aper ni!! I mean, it would have been great if they fell in love! duh! Sudahlah, Ron Howard, step aside! haha!
Haha, okay I'm mad. However, I'm in love with SILAS! He's great, although his scenes made me cringe ALOT. When he tightened the cilice and all. Silas is great. I thought Paul Bettany really brought justice to Silas' character.
Ouhh ouhh and the really great part was how the movie ended, with Robert back in Paris in the that part was really great. I mean, it gave a clearer picture than what I read in the book. Yup so all in all, it was great...just not satisfying. Both the start and the ending was great though.
So movie? or book?
Book, anytime.
-published at 4:27 PM.