Friday, May 13, 2005
D-r-u-g Lord(ess)
Aaaanyway, These few days, I've been keeping myself very very occupied with Drug Lord. I hope me blogging about druglord won't get people looking for drugs on my blog. Well, hello, paedophiles and people searching for hardcore nudity HAVE landed on my blog for whatever apparent reason.Yuck.
Anyways. Yeah, speaking of DrugLord. Its great, I tell you. Go dload it from or something. Its really small in size, 784kb I think. You assume the role of a dealer and buy or sell stuff till you get filthy rich. Its a business game. Heh, I'm workin on my entrepreneurial skills, sial. Considering the fact that my uncle TRIED to psycho me to join his business venture with this company which I shall not name to sell stuff that I think are really ripping people off.
Imagine a $2000++ bra. BRA!
I shall not comment further. Its too insane.
Heh, heh. I digress.
Back to druglord. Pardon the crude role that you take, but its just a matter of buying and selling, really. I still remember the guys in my class always hog the class computers to see who is a better druglord. And I thought the game was boring!? Oh boy, I must be really bored nowadays. So if you're going to get offended by you know, faking to be a dealer, then don't play it okay.
Aaaah. If you're too free, like me, go check Untitled by Simple Plan out. Its great. Its soooo un-Simple Plan-ish.
-published at 4:22 PM.