A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Thursday, January 12, 2006
Live from Campus!

Today's the second day of term and gawd, I just did the stupidest thing everrrrrrrrrr.

I needed a power point to plug in my laptop, because I didn't want to rely on the battery. Well, so did Shah, more so because she didn't bring her battery. So in total we needed 2 power points. However, at S9, the power points are all installed singly.

Shah and I found this nice bench but it had only one power point.

Yes, that one.

So the next one is like a few metres away, so since we needed 2 points, why not we move the bench in the middle, so we can use both points.

So the two of us, (with all our might) tried to move the table.. and it didn't move ONE BIT.

And then we found out why.

Man! The bench is freaking nailed to the ground! Duhhh.

-published at 10:38 AM.