A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Crackers and Maple syrup.

Well the story goes like this. I was at the MS workspace just now with Hakim, Izzy and Muzz.

Me: Oh Hakim, the other time Muzz ate the crackers with the maple syrup! -points to both items that were mysteriously left at the table-

Without hesitation, Hakim tried, covering the entire khong guan biscuit with the maple syrup. But I swear to you, it dripped everywhere! On his (cute + stubby) fingers, his shirt, the floor, the table.

He got so frustrated, he just chomped on the whole biscuit first, then he squirted the maple syrup in his mouth. DAMN CUTE!! Then if he squirted too much maple syrup, he would try to neutralise the sweetness by eating another biscuit.

I got hungry, so I tried it too. And Izean tried. I swear to you, its like the best tasting thing ever!!! Here's how to eat it in a civilised manner. (not like Hakim!!) (Presenting Izean the model!)

Step 1: Take the biscuit!

Step 2: And the maple syrup!

Step 3: Pour carefully. Don't drench the biscuit otherwise the maple syrup will DRIP EVERYWHERE. (duh!)

Step 4: Yumyumyum!!

And after we finished the entire pack,


Well we tried to be careful but the Maple syrup was leaking so we couldn't help the drops. Lucky Ahmad wasn't there. He would have hung us upside down with our intestines hanging out while skinning us alive.

We cleaned up la, don't worry.


Plus we were eating while surfing the website that serves to educate mainly the Malay youths about STDs and whatnots because of the pre-marital sex (Among Malay youths) thats so berleluasa in today's time.

They even have a jingle, which I think is HIGHLY amusing.


Izean was talking about my skirt and Hakim was looking at it.

Hakim: Ya its nice..looks like langsir.

Izean: Hakim says the weirdest stuff after he makes a girl happy!

Hakim: Correct what! The first thing that comes to mind is a langsir! -points and looks at Izzy- (jokingly) That's boring.

Izean: -glares-

Hakim: Oops. -says something in Mandarin which sounds like "Zao Sia"-

Izean: -without hesitation- Kerbau.

HAHHAHAHAHA. i LOVED the kerbau part!!!!! The way she said it ah, classic man.

Anyway I left to watch SI results at home. Thanks to Izean and her dad for the lift home! Great car!! :D


I just checked my email. Hakim just sent out an email to everyone.

Super cute lah!


In Spectro lec, we learnt about vibrating molecules. The prof mentioned that when a molecule vibrates, it may rotate as well.

Dazril: Amy, so whats the difference between a vibrating rotator and a rotating vibrator?!?!


-published at 9:03 PM.