A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Friday, September 01, 2006
SNAILS for the day

Yes. Today we were SNAILS for the day. 4 SNAILS (students not actually in law school) invaded the new law Bukit Timah Campus to set up the Musollah for the future lawyers.

We met at YIH, and check Hakim out. He said the sun was shining into the workspace and he couldn't see what was on his laptop screen. So he did this.

Sorry boss i just HAD to take a photo.

Mr Haikal was driving his Trajet. Hes like the world's fastest driver or something. I swear he drove so fast I could have been propelled to space.

Hakim and Haikal up front; Izzy and I at the back.

Izean: Oh you know Farhan told me about the Sentosa Cove house bidding? Someone increased the bid by $100 000 at one go!

Hakim: Oh these are the houses facing the sea is it?

Izean: Yupyup.

Hakim: Ah. Nanti kena Tsunami baru padan muka.


The Law Musollah, which is airconditioned.

That's Isa, our Law representative.

You may not know him..but I think you might know his mother. Heh heh.

And the best part about law isn't their airconditioned canteen or anything. It is their TOILETS!!!!

As usual lah. We saw cute cars parked by the law canteen and Haks and Haiky HAD to give their comments.

Haikal: WOW! Kereta ni confirm perempuan park!!!!

Hakim: A'ah sehh. CONFIRM! -and they both laugh heartily-

Izean: Hey I can park okay.

Me: Ya so can I okay.. I just need three empty lots to do reverse parking.

Then since we were already in the vicinity, Izean the smartypants suggest we go recccee Botanics for the supposed meeting tomorrow. We could have WALKED, but that lazy bum told Haiky to drive. So aper lagi. Sesat lah. HAHA. We ended up at some Gallop Road or smth like that.

We ended up in those lorongs belonging to those huge houses.

This one macam dilapidated, but nice. Yes we actually stopped the car and I went out to take the photo.

Each house was bigger than the next, and we came to a dead end. So patah balik, but we got held up for at least 893749283749823749238 years because road works were going on and impatient cars didnt obey the STOP sign.

Haikal: Walao, never see the sign say stop ah? -cursing at impatient woman driver who just drove even though it said stop-

Hakim: Ah takpe nanti biar kasi lori balak langgar.

The roads were SO narrow!

Hakim: Eh Haikal nanti tayar kau masuk longkang!

So we were all binget with the road situation amongst the pretty houses. We couldn't move because the road was reduced to one lane, for two way traffic. So we had to wait for the stop to change to go.

Super long lah we waited.

-out of a sudden-

Izean: NAK KENCING!!!!!

ALL of us: YaALLAHHHHH!!!!!!

Hakim: NO KL road trip for you izean!!!!

Izean: Alarrr I wanna go!!!! -whines-

Haikal: ONE more sound Izean, NO road trip for you!!!! (like what your parents always say)

And she really kept quiet but macam made weird sounds because she wanted to talk. Freaking funny!!! haha!

Anyway then we sprang a surprise for Ahmad at night after his 6-8 lecture. Someone's OLDDDD. We gave him a birthday card and we went for dinner at Sakura. A portion of the chem geeks la. Shah, Daz, Banz, Ahmad, Alfons and I.

AND THEN I realised i left my laptop charger at WORKSPACE!!! ARGH!

I think I'm growing old too mans.


Anyway I've been meaning to post this for quite a while already. So the story goes like this. One day I was in school and Shah told me Dazril was in school, so I rang him up and met him at S4 to study. So I got my daily morning coffee fix, and when we were about to leave for lec, I went to throw away my coffee cup. While I was walking towards the bin, my hand already outstretched, I think Dazril made some comment regarding my (lack of) height or something like that hahah!, and I was so flabbergasted and the cup flew past the bin and over the rail.


Dazril: Rabak amyyyyy. litterrr!


-published at 6:36 PM.