A Summer afternoon in Schwarzsee

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Khibrah 06!

Welcome tea was today, and it came and went. Well I thought it went pretty smoothly considering the rushed planning and whatnots.

OH yes, and I forgot to mention the amazing, faint-inducing turnout! We had food for 80, but 1 hour into the welcome tea and people were still streaming in! Mr PD says the count HAD to reach 100. Wow! Totally a remarkable achievement, YESSAAHHH. Alhamdulillah, I mean.

Well we had the quantity, I hope the freshies felt the quality as well. Some of them were impressed that we actually had ice cream! Amashammmm.

Finally met Adlina and WOW WOW WOW!!! I met Rahman!!! It was super funny because for NS he was stationed at NCC HQ, and he was teasing my sister while she was rifle-ing. And then NOW, he's my junior. Ak ak ak ak. Rahman's my arwah nyai's arwah younger brother's grandson. Amashamm the relation.

After that it was socialise with freshies and camwhoring time. (I love my tudung, btw)

THE Kak Anah. I have so much respect for her la, seriously.

Lovely team B!

Best friend and I

Then Izean had a fantabulous idea.


Muzzammil handsome seh.

AhmadSol: Okay keep a distance.
Me: Oh puh-leeze. Its not as if I'm going to peluk-peluk you. *rolls eyes*
AhmadSol: Alarrrr. Takde peluk eh?-makes kesian + sad face- Taknak ambik gambar ah gitu.

NUSMS Exco 06/07!

In the van to YIH!

The important people in my life. There's a few more not in the picture, of course. One's in PGP, one's taking the photo, one's in PBM Exco, one's...

Okay so that pretty much sums up my day today! I need Raspberry Tea!

-published at 11:56 PM.