Sunday, August 20, 2006
im in a funky mood today.
Today I went shopping with my dad! So fun lah! He had to stock up on perfume, so we went in search for a new scent. He bought Burberry's! And... I splurged on a 100ml bottle of Escada goodness. Actually I was torn between Elizabeth Arden and Escada. I think I will have to eat grass for the rest of the month. For two months.Okay well now at least I will smell delectably harum(-er than I already smell).
I was bumming around the house the whole day, reading the Soci coursepack. Some interesting stuff I've got there, actually. Until I received a sms from Dazril saying that Buble was on Starworld!!!!!!!!!!
THANK GOODNESS LA. I ALMOST forgot about the Buble: Caught in the Act thingum.
(on sms)
Me: Mann, Buble is some serious hot stuff.
Dazril: Haha ya balls. amazing voice, much like mine actually. muakak
Urhh. I almost fainted after reading the sms actually.
-published at 11:20 PM.